Enrichment Activity Time
Enrichment program are a favorite among students. Students are presented with arts and crafts, creative dance, culturally enriched history field trips, community, reading club, community garden, Club Respect, teacher-led games, drama, sports, and rap sessions.
Club Respect |
CAE provides a fun and thought-provoking class where students role-play, write, and act-out skits, regarding, a) fair play, b) respect, c) kindness, and d) honesty. Class uses age-appropriate tools/games/puzzles and materials.
Conflict Resolution Club |
Students will be provided with various scenarios, plots, and allowed to choose the solution that is a ‘win-win’ or one that has the least conflict.
Culturally Enriched History (CEH) |
CEH will teach students that we all work and live with other cultures. CEH will assist students in establishing relationships with people of other cultures and that cultural groups have unique strengths and should be celebrated.
Community Service / Community Garden |
Will define community and teach students to love and respect their community, be respectful, and be kind to neighbors. And students will support a community garden.
CAE Book Club |
Created to give students the opportunity to read new books, share book-reviews, and debate issues presented in books. The books presented are contemporary works that feature topics of interest to young readers; however, some books will be classics. Being members of our book club will assist in improving reading, writing, and speaking skills. For each book students complete and present a two-page written book review; the student receives points that are computed to dollars.
Drug Prevention Group
Drug prevention group will teach no-drug-use, violence prevention, and consequences of risky behavior. (Permission will be required from a parent or guardian.)
Sexuality and Pregnancy Prevention |
Research shows that at-risk middle school students run a greater risk of indulging in premarital sexual activity that could diminish their quality of health and life. Premarital sex can also result in “early pregnancy, abortion, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (Mason-Jones, Sinclair, Mathews, Kagee, Hillman, & Lombard, 2016).” Sexuality and pregnancy prevention education would be beneficial for our underserved adolescents and teens. (Permission will be required from a parent or guardian).
Junior Toastmasters |